Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Effective Date: [20-08-2024]

Welcome to Universal Job! We care about your privacy and want to make sure you feel safe when using our website, which provides Marathi education news.

1. Information We Collect

  • Personal Information: We might ask for details like your name or email address if you sign up for our newsletter or contact us.
  • Usage Information: We also collect non-personal information like your IP address, the type of device you use, and the pages you visit on our site. This helps us understand how you use our site.

2. How We Use Your Information

  • To Improve Our Services: We use the information to provide the content you’re looking for and to make our website better.
  • Communication: If you sign up, we may send you updates or newsletters. You can choose to stop receiving these at any time.
  • Analytics: We look at how people use our site to help us improve it.

3. Cookies

We use cookies, which are small files saved on your device, to make your experience better. You can manage cookie settings in your browser, but this might change how the site works for you.

4. Sharing Information

We do not sell your personal information. We only share it if it’s necessary to provide our services or if required by law.

5. Links to Other Sites

Our website may include links to other websites. We’re not responsible for the privacy practices of those sites, so please check their privacy policies.

6. Security

We do our best to protect your information, but no system is 100% secure. We use various methods to keep your data safe.

7. Children’s Privacy

Our website is not for children under 13. We don’t knowingly collect information from children under 13. If we find out we have, we’ll delete it.

8. Changes to This Policy

We might update this policy from time to time. If we make big changes, we’ll let you know by posting the new policy on our website.

9. Contact Us

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, feel free to reach out to us at


UNIVERSAL हे तुमचे एकमेव ठिकाण आहे जिथे तुम्हाला शिक्षण, बातम्या आणि सरकारी योजनांशी संबंधित सर्व माहिती मिळते, तीही हिंदीमध्ये. तुम्हाला नवीनतम आणि सर्वात महत्त्वाची माहिती देण्याचा आमचा उद्देश आहे जेणेकरून तुम्ही तुमच्या शिक्षण आणि करिअरबद्दल योग्य निर्णय घेऊ शकाल.